Sunday 16 October 2011

Base Force Template

To help you decide what type of force you want to design/create here is a base template for the campaign.  More than one player may join to make a force, and we can loan figures as required.  More detail to come.  We will try design vehicle templates as well.  More will be done on the alternative structures to allow players to design a force they wish to play, for example, elite to mob style.

COMMAND TEAM (TQ as per attached/Mor as per attached)
Leader CinC: 0, +1 or +2
Leader XO: 0, +1 or +2
Religious Leader: 0, +1 or +2 Morale Shift
Forward Air Controller
Forward Observer
Battle Medic (2)

Three squads of two fire teams (9), and a weapons squad and HQ team.
Body Armour: +2D
Weapons: Advanced

Select a modern nationality and unit type (example US Army, US Marines etc)
Body Armour: +1D
Weapons: Slugger-type

Three teams of 4.
Body Armour:  +1D or +2D or heavy battle suit
Weapons: Advanced but light
Tech: Advanced
Transport: Self-sufficient up-armoured light vehicles with Heavy Weapons

                Four armoured vehicles (divide as you wish)
                Type: Future

                Four armoured vehicles
                Type: Present day MBT

                Twelve light patrol vehicles/walkers (half if light armoured, half amount if future)

SUPPORT PLATOON (TQ6 in direct combat, TQ8 in support roll/MOR10)
Air Support (Helicopter, Fast Burner) – 2 craft
Air Transport (one platoon’s worth) – number depending on type
Ground Transport
                Armoured IFV (one platoon’s worth) – Max of 4
                Armoured APC (one platoon’s worth) – Max of 6
                Soft Uparmoured  (one platoon’s worth) – Max of 12
Ground Support
                Battle computers

Only play if rear echelon is overrun.  This unit holds your supplies, maintenance and medical facility.  The unit is armed with rifles but no support weapons, expect for those generated by the mission.  The strength of each unit is also its dice type, this can change in the game.
Quartermaster Team (8) – Supply
Maintenance Team (8) - Confidence
Medical Team (8) – Morale and troop recovery
Construction Team (8) – Ability to construct defenses, run-ways etc.
Camp Followers (20-100) – Morale and replacements

TQ and Morale of Platoon
Depending on your armies story you can change your force’s or platoon’s TQ and Morale prior to starting in the campaign.  You can nudge up TQ by dropping Mor or vice versa, for example a player’s frontline platoon can be made TQ8/MOR12 instead of TQ10/MOR10.  During the campaign units can improve.

Soldiers may be moved between platoons to replace battle losses, if more than a quarter of a units strength is added in a campaign turn the platoons TQ drops to the TQ of the replacement supplying force.  Camp Followers may be added as reinforcements, but the number per turn is limited to D6.

Alternative Basic Structures
There is also the option before starting of change the basic template structure of your force.  For example, you can sacrifice your 2nd Line platoon for an extra special forces platoon.  Or one can swap their special forces + 2nd Line for a second Frontline platoon.  The 2nd Line Armour platoon can be swapped for one extra Frontline tank.  Reconnaissance.  The armoured platoons may be swapped for an insurgent option, in this option you sacrifice one or both of your armoured platoons to place hotspots and roll for insurgents during missions.

                Insurgent Force Component
                There are three levels of insurgent support, D6, D8 and D10:
                                No Frontline Armoured Platoon: D8
                                No Second Line Armoured Platoon: D6
                                No Frontline or Armoured Platoon: D10
At the beginning of each turn in the mission you roll your die type, on a 4+ you roll for an insurgent team to appear on the battlefield

Playing a mission
A mission has a maximum force of one platoon of infantry + special forces.  The mission with generally also limit the number of vehicles, but usually would be in the platoon level.  Special rules will be made for how much support you can have.  Everything is at a cost though, each unit consumes supplies, requires maintenance and you have a limited medical facility.  So if you are not careful you may end up winning a Pyrrhic Victory.

Rear Echelon
If you win the battle or draw you keep your wrecks, and scavenge your opponent’s wrecks in the case of a victory.  Vehicles can be repaired if not too damaged, or scavenged if they are.  You have a limited repair facility, so if for example you lose 4 vehicles, but you can only repair 2 this turn, the other are placed in a damaged pool or scavenged.  You also have a finite (though it can be resupplied) supply of repair parts, so you may have to resort to scavenging one vehicle to repair another.  The scavenged vehicle is lost.

In the campaign you get to scavenge lost vehicles, yours or your opponents.  But you also obtain supplies, equipment, replacements and reinforcements by winning battles in certain campaign locations.  Some of these locations will continually supply these, while others are once off.  For example, winning a battle in a location may allow you to add a platoon to your force, this may be an alien platoon.

Designating your force ragtag gives you access to more vehicles, but your maintenance cost per vehicle increases.  Ragtag adds and extra vehicle for every 2 you have.  However, a 1/3 of each vehicle type should be different in type, armour etc.

Camp-followers are a resource for morale, maintenance and replacements and slow down the movement of the base camp or base column.  They, however, consume more supplies and if they suffer losses in combat (i.e. your base camp is attacked) they either cause a devastating loss on morale or increase the vigour of the troops.  The higher the number of camp-followers in the base camp the more likely they are to be lost.

Most players will start with fairly good tech, but ubertech is only gained through mission success.

Splitting columns into flying-columns
A player may choose to split off up to two flying-columns from their main column.  Flying-columns operating away from the main column will have limited versions of support, such as recovery, maintenance, medical etc.  A flying-column moves faster than a base column.

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